Saturday, September 8, 2007


I hope that each person who visits this blog is filled with a desire to cover the Glunt's with your love, your encouragement, your support, and your prayers. Some who visit may not even know Ryan and Jodi, others, know them more intimately. No matter your relation, no matter the distance - please pray for the Glunt family. Please know that your prayers are needed and encouraged. These precious little children of God need our prayers as do their Daddy and Mommy. Thank you to each of you who stop by this blog to check in on Ryan, Jodi, Olivia, and Logan. Your love is being felt by those who need it the most at this time.

There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is.-Albert Einstein

Saturday, September 8, 2007 - Update

Please be in prayer today for Olivia and Logan. Both are fighting a hard fight - but they continue to need our prayers. Pray for peace, comfort, strength, healing, and health. Continue to lift Ryan, Jodi, Olivia, and Logan in your prayers. Please, pray without ceasing.

But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
- Isaiah 40:31

We didn’t receive very good updates this morning. Logan is having some complications from the surgery. He’s having problems with his blood clotting factor and will be given some plasma today. They are also very concerned about his kidney function/urine output. I think they want to see him have 3-4cc of urine every 4 hours. He’s had about 1 cc of urine since midnight (as of 11 am this morning.) They have put a catheter in and are giving him extra fluids.

Olivia has been doing so well and now seems to be running into some problems. Her oxygen levels are all over the place. They believe that she may be having some seizures and have given her some Phenobarbital. She has also had some Bradycardia, which is when the heart rate falls below 100. She is still not tolerating handling at all.

Please continue praying for them both. They need your prayers so very much.

Weight Update:
Olivia 1 lb 2 oz

Logan 1 lb 4 oz

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007 - Evening Update

We saw Logan after surgery and he was doing extremely well. Because he still is feeling the effects of the morphine, its hard to tell how he’s really doing. Sometimes they have a honeymoon period right after the surgery, however, sometimes they do better immediately. Please continue praying for him. We did read him his first story today. . .well, since he’s been born. . .we read to them every night while I was pregnant.

Please also step up some prayers for my precious little Olivia. She is swinging on her oxygen quite a bit. She doesn’t like it when people bother her; such as changing her diaper or doing labs on her. The cover for her isolet is a little thicker, so she has a little more privacy. We just have to remember that babies at this age aren’t used to being handled regularly as they are usually still in the womb. No hand hugging today, although I think she liked it when her daddy and I were there. What sweet babies they are!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007 - Surgery Update

Just receieved word from Jodi that Logan came through the surgery successfully. Praise God! Be praying for a successful recovery and healing process.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." - Pslams 46:10

We heard from the surgeon around noon. Logan is out of surgery. Everything seemed to go okay. It’s not the surgery that they worry about the most; it’s being able to recover from the surgery. Please pray that Logan keeps fighting and recovers fully. We are headed up to see him shortly.

Friday, September 7, 2007 - Update

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Jodi just contacted me to let me know that as of 11am this morning Logan is being prepped for surgery. Please pray for the doctor's skilled hands and the nurses in the operating room. Please pray for Logan as he undergoes the surgery. Please pray for God's peace and comfort to be felt by Jodi and Ryan.

We need many prayers this morning. Please lift them all up in prayer.

Note from Mommy:
Please let everyone know that Logan is having surgery this morning. We just got off of the phone with the surgeon as of 11:00 am and they were prepping him. The surgery should take about 45 minutes and they should let us know when it’s over. Please keep him in your prayers and let him fully recover.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Update

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
- Psalms 57:10

Update from Mommy:

Not too much good news today and it’s been one of those tougher days. Logan did not have his surgery today because they don’t feel that he is stable enough. He is having problems with his kidneys and urine output. It’s frustrating because it’s one of those vicious circles. . . the surgery could help him be more stable, but he has to be stable to have the surgery. When we went over to see him today, there were about 4 nurses and they were bagging him because his oxygen concentration fell so low. We did find out that he loves to lay on his tummy (as does Olivia) and their oxygen requirements are lower.

Olivia is having some treatments because she has some mucous in her lungs. This is due to irritation from the ventilator. She has also developed chronic lung disease because of scarring to her lungs. This is also due to the ventilator. Dr Hsiao believes that she will get over this hurdle pretty well because her ventilator settings and pressure have been pretty low. Babies’ lungs develop until they are a year old and it is usually something that they outgrow. Logan may have a little harder time with it since his settings have always been quite a bit higher. Olivia does have a little belly button now as her umbilical cord has fallen off. It’s such a cute little belly button!!!

Ryan and I are going to try to get some sleep. Today has just left us exhausted.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How a Family of Two Became a Family of Four

We just wanted to thank all of you for your support and prayers. I don’t know how we could ever show our appreciation. I’m amazed at how many people are praying for Logan and Olivia every day. . some people that we have never even met. We thought that we would share a little bit about how we were blessed with these two miracles and how God has been working in our lives.

Ryan and I met in March 2001 and were married June 28, 2003. In August 2004, we decided to start trying to have a baby. I visited with my OBGYN about it and began taking prenatal vitamins. I wanted to make sure that I was doing everything I could to have a healthy pregnancy. The months went by and we were unsuccessful. I had some tests run and found out that I have PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Along with many other symptoms, I fail to ovulate on my own which makes it difficult to become pregnant. Ryan was checked out as well and was found to have poor sperm morphology (abnormal shape). Besides that, I have a microadenoma on my pituitary gland which further affects my endocrine system. I don’t know how that played into our infertility, but I felt that we were battling it from all sides. For two and a half years, we underwent multiple procedures and medications along with 8 intrauterine inseminations. Infertility and its treatments are very hard on a person physically and emotionally. I had almost given up all hope. It was Ryan who kept us going and for those of you who know him. . . you know how stubborn he can be. When he sets his mind on something, he doesn’t give up.

On April 13th, I received a call from my reproductive endocrinologist who said that I was “very” pregnant. I can’t even begin to tell you the joy and excitement that Ryan and I felt. I had my first ultrasound on May 3rd and was found to be pregnant with triplets. It was a little overwhelming at first, but I felt so blessed. One of the babies, however, was a lot smaller than the other two and had a much slower heart rate. On May 14th, I had a second ultrasound and found that I had lost “Baby B.” It was difficult, but we were very grateful for our twins.

Throughout the following weeks, my pregnancy went very well. All of my checkups were good and the babies were growing very well. On August 9th, we found out that we were having a boy and a girl and couldn’t have felt more blessed. It was around that time (week 20) that I began to have some back aches. I attributed it to being pregnant with twins and having already gained almost 30 lbs. Plus, back aches are very common in pregnancy. On August 19th, I begin feeling a lot of pressure and I reminded myself that I was carrying two babies. Two days later, I started having some brown mucous discharge. I had not had any spotting throughout my pregnancy, so Ryan and I were very concerned. I called my OB from work and they told me that I could either go home and lie down or go to the hospital and have it checked out. Ryan and I decided to go to the hospital. It was found that I had an irritated cervix and that’s what they believed was causing the discharge. I went home, but my OB put me on bed rest until my next appt on Sept. 5th. I spent the week in bed and took it very easy. The following weekend, my brown discharge turned to pink and I started getting menstrual-like cramps. From everything we read online and heard from others, spotting and cramping can both be very normal, but I worried just the same. I decided to call my OB again Monday morning.

That Monday, on August 27th, Ryan had jury duty and we believe God had a hand in that. He happened to be released around noon, picked up lunch for us and came home. While he was home, a nurse returned my call. She didn’t seem too concerned and told me to take 2 Benadryls and lie down. I had been lying down for over a week, however, and it wasn’t getting any better. Since Ryan happened to be home, we decided to go back to the hospital. Part of me felt like a paranoid mom, but a part of me felt that something wasn’t right. When I went to the hospital the week before, I didn’t tell my mother until after I was home and she wasn’t too happy about that. This time, I called her on the way to the hospital and she arrived there shortly after we did. I felt it was kind of ridiculous for my mother to be there since they were probably going to stamp my file with a “crazy lady” stamp and send me home. Then, my dad and my brother showed up.

We got to the hospital and when I had my exam, they found that I was already dilated 2.5 to 3 cm. They began talking to me about taking magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions and keep labor from progressing. The menstrual-like cramps I was having were the start of contractions. My parents and brother stepped out of the room and another doctor was sent in to exam me. This time I was dilated 4-5 cm and they told us that labor couldn’t be stopped. I had never been so scared in my life. The doctor literally stepped out of the room and my water broke. We pressed the nurse call button, told them my water broke and about 20 doctors came into the room with 2 incubators from the NICU. My parents and brother were watching all of this from the waiting room and didn’t know what was going on.

After only about two pushes, Olivia was born at 6:18 pm. I remember Ryan telling me that she was moving and that she was beautiful. She had been head down, but Logan was breech. They were going to go ahead and deliver him vaginally as well, but then he turned sideways. They quickly rushed me out of the room for an emergency c-section. I remember not wanting to leave Ryan and passing by my parents in the hallway. They put me out for the c-section since there had not been time to give me any pain meds for Olivia’s birth. They had Logan out within 2 minutes of putting me under and he was born at 6:28 pm.

Since then, everything has really been a blur. As terrifying as it was and as much as I don’t understand why all of this had to happen, I can’t help but to believe that God took care of me and my babies. I don’t know what would have happened if Ryan hadn’t have been off work that day. I wouldn’t have made him miss another day of work to take me to the hospital. I just know that God made sure that I was at the hospital that day. I know that He is hearing all of our prayers and that He has special plans for my two special miracles. . .these miracles that Ryan and I have waited so long for. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Olivia 9-5-07

Today was a very special day for Ryan, Jodi, and Olivia. Dad and Mom were able to 'hand hug' Olivia. Below are the pictures.

Logan 09-05-07

Mommy and Logan

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 - Update

Please be praying for Logan. He may have to have surgery if his ductus does not close. Please continue praying for strength, peace, and comfort for Ryan and Jodi. Also be praying for Olivia and Logan as they fight each day to grow stronger. I know all of our prayers are being felt and are making a difference - we must continue to pray without ceasing.

Update from Mommy:
Today seems to be a better day. We spent quite a bit of time with them this afternoon. We got to “hand hug” Olivia for the first time today. It was absolutely wonderful! Olivia did not like it when daddy took his hands away (already a daddy’s girl, it seems) Their doctor, Dr. Hsiao, seemed very pleased with her progress and talked about her setting the standard too high (we won’t tell Logan that, though). Right now, she is being fed fluids in addition to my milk. They were able to double the amount of milk that she’s given and within a day or so, she may be fed only my milk.

My sweet Logan is doing pretty good. He may have to have surgery as early as tomorrow. They are waiting on the echocardiogram results. If his ductus is still open, we may be contacted by the surgeon tomorrow. It would truly be a blessing if we found that it is closed, so please pray for him. Please pray that he recovers from the surgery if that is the road we have to take. He gave us a bit of a scare this afternoon. His oxygen concentration fell extremely low, but it seemed to return to normal with some help from his nurses.

Please keep them both in your prayers. They are the sweetest little babies and we love them more and more each day. Your prayers are working!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - Update

Extra prayers are needed today for Ryan and Jodi. They have a very hard decision to make on behalf of Logan. Pray for guidance, answers, and peace. Please also pray for healing and health on behalf of Olivia and Logan.

Update from Mommy:
We just got back from the hospital. It has been a really tough day today.
We spoke with their doctor about Logan. Because his ductus is not closed, we have to consider our options. He did not tolerate the medication given to him to help close it. It shut down his urine output. For the medication to be successful, it has to be given in rapid succession and he is unable to handle that. Our next option is surgery. Although the surgery is not extremely invasive, it's very hard to recover from. We have to be making a decision about what to do. The longer it takes for small babies to progress from one step to another, the more chance of problems and complications.
Without his ductus closed, it's hard to move on to the next step. They were also concerned about Logan's blood sugar. It has been in the high range and it dipped really low today. The next test that they ran seemed to be in the normal range, so we may be okay.

Olivia got a new bed. She is now in an isolet. This provides a quieter and darker environment for her. She hasn't been doing well with being bothered and is agitated by the noise around her. This should help her. Her oxygen requirements have been swinging back and forth. This may be because her ductus has opened again. They are going to take the wait and see approach for now, since she doesn't exhibit all of the signs. She is still being fed 1.2cc of milk and is still tolerating that very well.

Thanks again for all of your prayers. If you have children or babies at home, please give them a big hug for me. All I've ever wanted is to be a wife and mother. Now that I'm finally a mother, I am unable to hold my babies and it's so hard. Please don't stop praying.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007 - Evening Update

It was so nice to go see them today. It’s amazing how therapeutic it is for Ryan and I to see our babies. Good news! Olivia had her first bowel movement and you have never seen so much poopie come out of someone so tiny!! They had given her a suppository to get her bowels moving and will continue to do so. She is still tolerating my milk really well. The took one of the bandages off of her leg and it looks so much better.

We received some additional information on Logan. His blood pressure still needs to go down and stabilize. They began giving him medicine last night to close his ductus and he did not tolerate it very well. It greatly reduced his urine output, which is one of the nasty side effects, so they stopped the medication. They are going to try it again within a few days and see how he does. If he still cannot tolerate it, they will have to do surgery to go in and close it.

Please please keep praying for our babies! They both turned one week old today, so you might sing a little song for them!

Monday, September 3, 2007 - Update

New update from Mommy:

Weight Update:
Olivia: 1 lb
Logan: 1 lb 1oz

The doctor has not yet been by to see them. We’ll know more when we go visit them today. Last night they were very concerned about Logan’s blood pressure. They want the systolic (top number) to be between 30 – 55. Logan’s has always been a little higher (in the 60s and 70s) Last night it was in the 80s and 90s. This high blood pressure can cause problems for him with the blood on his brain. We really need to get that number down. As of this morning, they said it was down to the 70s. He also had to be put on a different antibiotic. His skin is breaking down by his tubes and because of the moist environment that he has to be in, they don’t want any fungal or skin infections to develop.

Olivia, bless her heart, is doing really well. She does have to have another blood transfusion today. They are still feeding her my milk and she is tolerating it very well. They are giving her 1.2 cc over the course of 2 hours and then they are giving her an hour to let it settle in her tummy. She has not passed a stool yet, so they are going to have to give her a suppository. I guess this is very normal. Like I said, we will know more after we talk to their doctor.

Prayer Requests:
Please pray that Logan’s blood pressure returns to normal and stays within the normal range. Heal both of their broken skin and allow them to get stronger each day. Logan’s ductus still needs to close so that his body doesn’t have to work so hard. Please pray for their wonderful doctor and the nurses caring for them and give them the knowledge to know how to best meet Logan and Olivia’s needs.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Additional Olivia Pictures 09.02.07

Baby Olivia giving Mom and Dad the "ok" sign.

Additional Logan Pictures 09.02.07

Baby Logan

Sunday, September 2, 2007 - Update

Just received this update from Mommy:

We went and saw our babies this afternoon. They are both doing well. Olivia is, of course, the over-achiever and began being fed breastmilk through a feeding tube. She takes only 1.2 cc over 3 hours. This is just to get her digestive system working. Her skin is looking great, blood pressure good and she was very relaxed when we saw her. She was even giving us the ok sign.

As their doctor said, “Logan is doing better by leaps and bounds.” His blood pressure has still been pretty high, but he’s starting to stabilize quite a bit. His ductus still has not closed, so they may begin giving him medication to help close it. Once it is closed, it will help his body not work quite so hard. Olivia’s closed on its own somehow. He did have to have another transfusion today. He has not been having anymore seizures. His little hand was giving us the I love you sign.

They will also start weighing them every night. I will give you updates on what it is everyday. We can’t expect any weight gain from them for a couple days or so.

Weight Update:
Olivia – 1 lb

Logan - 1 lb 2 oz

Prayer Requests:
Please pray that Olivia continues to do so well. Please pray that their head sonograms are okay (Olivia’s was clear, but Logan had a little blood on the left side of his brain.) We are praying that the neurologist doesn’t see any big concern. Please pray that Logan’s ductus closes and he continues to remain stable.

Here is Olivia. Mommy tells me that she is a wiggler. I think they caught her in the act! Look at her precious little toes.

Here's Logan. Little Logan is a fighter. He's had a few more set backs than Olivia has - but he's growing stronger each day.

Meet Olivia and Logan

Proud parents Ryan and Jodi with daughter, Olivia Paige Glunt.

Olivia was born on August 27, 2007 at 6:18pm.

She weighed 1lb 11/2 oz and was 11.5 inches long.

Proud parents Ryan and Jodi with son, Logan William Glunt.

Logan was born on August 27, 2007 at 6:28pm.

He weighed 1lb and 1 3/4 oz and was 11.5 inches long.

The babies were born at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita Kansas. Jodi was 23 weeks and 1 day pregnant with the twins when they were born. Mom and Dad are now at home; however, Olivia and Logan remain in the NICU at Wesley.