This morning, Olivia and I had some friends over for a playdate. There were 6 mommies, 7 children and my wonderful husband who was off work today and helped out immensely. I think everyone had a great time. Do you remember that feeling of anticipation you had as a child when you were waiting for your friends to come over for your birthday party? That was such a wonderful memory for me and the closest way I can describe my excitement for today. The kids were all amazing and played together so well. I was so proud of how well Olivia shared all of her toys. It’s definitely something I will have to do again in the future. You are all invited back anytime!


Baby Sara


Stacie and Madison



Shawna helping out with the slide.

All of the kids (minus Sara who had already left.)

The mommies (Stacie, Shawna, Me, Jenifer and Shelley)
Oh, and another great thing about today? This afternoon Ryan, Olivia and I curled up in bed and took a nap all together for the first time ever! You know how most parents can’t keep their kids OUT of their bed? Well, we can’t get Olivia into ours as she loves to sleep in her room. So, it was very special that Olivia was actually willing to sleep with us. It’s not too often that you get to take a nap as a family. . .especially on a Monday.