Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Olivia is still pretty sick. Poor thing has barely eaten since Wednesday and she can't afford to lose any weight. She does manage to play a bit of Mario kart throughout the day. I believe Abigail is struggling with reflux or colic. When she's not nursing, she is screaming! The only way to console her is to nurse her. Then she falls asleep, I put her down, she wakes up a few minutes later screaming. She'll only stop if I nurse her and the cycle continues. We bought some gripe water and I'm going to try to get her into the doctor next week. Olivia had to go on Prilosec as a baby and it really helped her. Hopefully our household will all begin to feel better soon.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

It has been a challenging 24 hrs to say the least. Olivia got the stomach flu around 6 pm yesterday. She threw up twice, but acted relatively normal. She fell asleep in bed with me. Then things really went downhill when my husband had to go into the emergency room and Olivia got really sick. At this point in time, we don't quite know what's going on with Ryan, but I'll update you at a later date. Anyway, Ryan's gone and I'm super worried about him, but I can't leave Olivia's side. She then starts throwing up all over and feels absolutely horrible. I put Abigail down ( who was nursing ) and she starts screaming bloody murder. Olivia needs cleaned up, sheets need washed and she's crying for me. And there is only one of me, so I have to let Abigail cry for a bit and tend to Olivia. I tell ya, it challenged me as a mother. I just walked around repeating," We're ok. We're ok!" Finally, at 3 am, I called my mom because I really needed help. Don't we all get to that point where we just really need our moms? I felt so comforted when she got here and helped get things in order. I just wanted her to take Abigail and keep her away from all the yuck. By the time Ryan got home he was unaware of the chaos that had ensued. Well, until I told him. Olivia threw up a few more times, but went back to sleep. Thank you to Ryan's mom who helped out this afternoon and took care of Abigail. I sure don't want my little baby sick too! Thank you to Shelley, Stacie, Amanda R and Amanda U who talked with me through all hours of the night. Olivia is still not doing very well, but hasn't thrown up in 12 hours. She is napping in her bed. Praying she is on the mend and that the rest of us don't get it. Makes me want to go back into hibernation like we did when Olivia was a baby, but that's impossible with Olivia in preschool. There are way too many illnesses going around right now. I'm a neurotic mess! Please cover my family in your prayers. My friend, Amanda, reminded me that "this too shall pass." That really calms my mind and makes me realize that things will get better, no matter how bad they seem. Hoping you and your family stay healthy and I can't wait until spring!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

Olivia has been so excited to play in the snow.  We didn’t have one good snow last winter and the snowsuit that I bought her last year was still in her closet. . .with tags.  I told her of the possibility of snow today and she woke up, ran to look outside and this is what she saw:

Photo: Olivia wanted so desperately to play in the snow today.  :(

She was so disappointed.  However, later in the day it started snowing a bit and she couldn’t wait to go outside.  When daddy got home from work, they headed out.

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There wasn’t much, but she made a snow angel and played on her swingset in the snow. 

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Nothing like warming up by the fire with some chocolate milk.

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Which led to a nap by the fire.  Praying for at least one good snow this year so that she can build a snowman. 

I slept from 5 –7 pm tonight and I feel like a new woman!!  It was amazing!  Now, to ring in the new year at home with three of my favorite people ! 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Olivia Paige and Abigail Harper are two of the greatest gifts that I've ever been given. I think of them and believe that I'm the luckiest person in the whole world. Thank you to God (and my amazing husband) for giving them to me. My heart overflows.