How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. - Psalm 36:7
It was so nice to see Logan and Olivia today, although we didn’t get to spend too much time with Logan. He really preferred it to be dark and quiet today. They did have to start him back on the dopamine. It seems that his urine output is greatly reduced without it. Once they start him back on the dopamine, he begins urinating again. Poor thing retains so much fluid . . . it just breaks my heart. They did get to turn down his vent settings just a bit and his oxygen has been around 60%. Logan did have to have another transfusion today, as did his sister.
They increased Olivia’s feedings to 16cc of milk and she seems to be tolerating it fine. Her oxygen has still been low at around 30%. She also had her vent settings turned down. Olivia was sleeping very peacefully when we were there today and looked just like a little princess. Oh, and she was sleeping in her isolette (not isolet) This blog has reached the nurses in the NICU. . .I seem to be explaining things fairly accurately, but I’ve been misspelling that one little word. Please continue to pray for the nurses and doctors who care for my precious children. Please pray that Logan and Olivia grow stronger each day and that they always know how loved they are!