I met with my doctor today and he confirmed that I do have diabetes. It feels weird to type that. I don't know how to feel about it. . a part of me has longed for answers. Another part of me knows it will be a lifelong challenge to manage it. I had some more bloodwork done today, including an A1C that will show my blood sugars over the past 3 months. If that is okay, I will meet with a dietician to manage my diabetes through diet. If it comes back abnormal, I will be looking at medications, meters, etc. My doctor thinks it will just take a change in my diet. Luckily, I have an awesome husband who will change much of his diet along with me. And, I've heard from several friends who are going to do the same. Cutting out sugar, soda and carbs is probably good for everyone, although it will be a challenge. But, if it truly helps me feel better, it will be worth it. A part of me wonders. . .polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS - the cause of my infertility) has been linked to insulin resistance and diabetes. If I get my blood sugars under control, will that help my PCOS and in return. . .my fertility? Is diabetes linked to premature birth? Many people have asked if I had gestational diabetes. That test was scheduled for week 24 and I only made it to 23 weeks. . .so I don't know. With the answers come many more questions, I suppose. Please pray that I am able to successfully manage this with my diet and that doing so doesn't depress me too much. :) I really really love all kinds of bread.
Park City Utah
2 years ago