Current size of baby: The size of a Squinkie (or grape.) Olivia’s really excited about that one.
How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 lbs
Inches Gained: 1 inch
Maternity clothes? No
Sleep: Good
How I'm feeling: Very fatigued, a bit nauseous.
Best moment this week: Sleeping in. . .twice
Movement: No
Food cravings: Anything but salads and raw vegetables
Food aversions: Salads and raw vegetables
Gender: unknown
Labor Signs: NO
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: My allergy eye drops. I have horrible allergies in the form of really itchy eyes. I can’t use my eye drops when pregnant or any eye drops that have the “gets the red out” medicine in them. I can only use lubricant eye drops which do nothing for me. What I wouldn’t give for one single drop of relief. . . LOL!
What I am looking forward to: My next OB appt on June 6th.
Milestones: Getting through each day, each week. . .one step at a time.