Ryan spoke with Olivia’s pediatrician this morning. We were getting pretty stressed about her bottling. Every nurse had a different idea and we felt like we were being very inconsistent and trying too many different things. . .none of which were working. Her doctor believes that her inconsistency is simply due to her prematurity and the fact that she is not yet full term. We are having a speech specialist come to work with her on Monday to try to develop some kind of plan. She took about 20 ccs for me today. She also kind of initiated me into motherhood. As I was changing her diaper, she had a big, explosive blowout and it literally shot across the room. I caught most of it with my hand. She didn’t get any on her outfit and I didn’t get any on mine, but I think it went everywhere else. Oddly enough. . it didn’t even phase me too much.
Today was a special day because Grandma and Grandpa Glunt were able to hold her for the first time. She didn’t want to wake up for them, but she wouldn’t even wake up for daddy tonight. She was pretty tired. Olivia is now 4 lbs 15 oz so that 5 lb mark is just around the corner. She is one beautiful girl. I am amazed every time I look at her that God gave her to me.