Today, Stacie and Madison came over and we were all happily playing in the basement. I then came upstairs to a smoke filled room that smelled of burning plastic. Let me back up a bit.
Last weekend, we purchased a new dishwasher. Our old one only worked about every 4th time and when it did work, the dishes weren’t always the cleanest. So, we did our online research, went to three different places and felt we made an educated choice with KitchenAid. We wanted one that was middle of the road and this one was priced right with rave reviews. It was installed on Monday.

We pinpointed the smell to the dishwasher and honestly I was afraid to open it with visions of flames escaping every which way. But, we did and found that a knife had fallen down onto the heating element and was literally sizzling to the point of almost being on fire!

Here is what is left of the knife. That is the blade on top. For one, I didn’t realize that some dishwashers have an exposed heating element and others don’t. I personally think all of them should be unexposed. It’s a major fire hazard. I can’t tell you how many times Olivia’s sippy cup lids have fallen to the bottom of our old dishwasher. And, I didn’t realize that heat dry is the default option and you actually have to turn it off for auto dry. I’m terrified that I’m accidentally going to have it on heat dry and something is going to fall to the bottom.

Now, we’ve got this mess to deal with, the smell to get rid of and I’m a very unhappy customer who was told, “To be more careful from now on when loading my silverware.”