Last night, I kept muttering to myself. . "Are you kidding me?" as sleep continued to elude me. Here is how the night went:
9:00 pm Olivia is sleeping peacefully in her crib.
9:15 pm Olivia wakes up. Daddy goes in, picks her up, we put on some lullaby music and she goes back to sleep.
9:30 pm Ryan and I enjoy the Olympic games.
11:30 pm Decide that the Olympics is on way too late. We turn off the t.v. and go to bed.
11:45 pm Olivia wakes up crying. I get up and rock with her.
Midnight Olivia is back to sleep. I crawl back into bed.
12:15 am Olivia wakes up crying. I get up and rock with her.
12:25 am I am still rocking her and she falls back to sleep. Then, the SMOKE ALARM goes off!! I jump out of the chair, Olivia wakes up and I run in to get Ryan. He checks everything out. No fire or smoke.
12:45 am I decided just to sleep with Olivia on the floor in her room. I'm a little worried that there is a fire somewhere that we don't know about. I want to make sure that I can get to Olivia. Olivia goes back to sleep and I am almost to sleep.
1:00 am The smoke alarm goes off again!! Wakes everybody up. . .can you see a pattern here? It went off yet again a few hours later.
In the morning, I realized that I'm too old to sleep on the floor. Ryan changed the batteries in the smoke detectors over the weekend and they seem to beep more often everytime the batteries are changed. But, I don't ever remember them going off in the middle of the night. We are now missing a smoke detector and Ryan's going to go to Home Depot after work. Oh, what a night!