We've been dealing with cradle cap and baby acne with Abigail, both of which we never dealt with on Olivia. I think the cradle cap is looking pretty good, but her poor acne!! At least I'm assuming that's what it is?? We've switched to Dreft detergent and Aveeno baby wash. It seems to be worse after she wakes up or if she's the least bit hot and sweaty. I pretty much just wash her face and leave it alone. I am just hoping its not some sort of allergic reaction.
I have felt like my milk supply is dwindling, but I think it's my breast pump. Abigail seems to be getting plenty (she's 8.5 lbs) but when I try to pump I don't hardly get anything. I even turned the vacuum and speed on high and still didn't. So, not sure what to do. My pump is only 5 years old. It's been very difficult to build up my frozen supply because of it which makes it hard to be away from Abigail for even a small while. Is it hard on their digestive system to switch between breast milk and formula. Not sure what to do.
Anyway, things are just really stressful around here lately. And now Olivia is complaining of a sore throat. Just praying for some relief soon.
Park City Utah
3 years ago