It's amazing to find out what makes your child tick. What kinds of things are they attached to? Out of all her stuffed animals, I would have never picked these two as the most special of them all: Lullaby Gloworm and Leap Frog Lily. Olivia takes them everywhere. We had a battle a few weeks ago because she didn't understand why she couldn't take a bath with them. Instead of Gloworm, Olivia always called him Gogum and the name kinda stuck. She can now almost say it correctly, but we still call him Gogum. We even brought them to her eye appt in hopes it would be easier for her, but that didn't work. For those that are wondering, Dr. W is the only pediatric ophthalmologist in town. There is a low vision doctor in town, but I don't know if that's what Olivia needs since her eyesight is okay. I may need to look into that further. I don't know if she would act like this regardless of the doctor or not. I just want to make it easier for her, especially because she will continue to have regular visits for quite a long time. I'll have to ask about the sedation or anything that would help calm her down.