You want me to drink this stuff?
Olivia and I are quite the pair. . .sleep, eat, eat, sleep. That's most of what we did all day. I was so excited that she made it through the whole day yesterday without any vomiting. Then, at 8:00 this morning, up it came. I'm growing so stressed about the whole thing. We decided to follow our pediatrician's recommendation and switch her to Alimentum. That lasted all of two seconds. Not only does that stuff contain about half of the vitamins and nutrients of NeoSure, it is twice as expensive and it is some foul tasting stuff. I know because I tasted a drop of it. . .it tastes like dog food flavored water. I tried giving it to Olivia. She was so excited that it was time to eat and took one taste of her bottle and started crying. I haven't gotten her to take much of her NeoSure since then. She just keeps looking at me suspiciously. I truly believe that it is reflux as it is so common especially in preemies. I think it has gotten progressively worse because as she's growing, her Reglan dosage is becoming less and less effective. When she was in the hospital, her neo suspicioned that she had reflux. At that time, instead of throwing up, she would brady. She now has begun throwing up about once a day. We've stopped trying to figure out why it's happening. . .if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. We finally got smart and put a blanket over the chair. That way we can just throw the blanket, her clothes and our clothes into the washer instead of cleaning up the chair every time. I'm not quite sure why it took us weeks to figure that one out. I know many of you have stated that medications like Zantac and Prevacid have helped tremendously. Have any specific formulas helped as well (other than Alimentum or Nutramigen. . .aren't they about the same thing?) I don't think I'm going to leave the pediatrician's office until we have a prescription for something. It can't be healthy to throw up that forcefully every day.