Park City Utah
3 years ago
Best friends
Playing at Izzy's. I can't believe she isn't jumping on the trampoline. Yep, I think we're going to have to get Olivia one of these for Christmas.
And, I'll end with a funny story about Izzy since my sister-in-law (ahem) doesn't blog anymore. Izzy was rubbing lotion on her hands today and we later discovered that it was creamy hand wash. That's better, I suppose, than the butter that Olivia was rubbing all over her hands this weekend after finding the little butter packets that came with my hotcakes from McDonalds. Anyway, Izzy started rubbing the soap on her face before we could wash her hands. I told her not to eat it just as she started blowing bubbles. It was so funny, but even funnier was this picture.