Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring Weather, Finally!

We spent the afternoon outside in this gorgeous weather! Abigail got to swing outside for the first time. She loved it!!

I found out that she has a really big head! Hardly any of Olivia's hats fit her head. I think many of them Olivia could still wear! And she loved the shades. Again, Olivia wore them when she was about 4 years old. LOL!

We went for a walk later. Abigail just does not like her car seat OR stroller, so we have to carry her everywhere. Wondering how our summertime adventures are going to go. . .maybe once she can eat finger foods, she'll like her stroller more.

For now, she loves her snuggles!!

Jodi- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, April 26, 2013

Olivia At 5 1/2 Years

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Olivia has been working really really hard on writing her numbers. I'm so proud of her. What ultimately worked is something she does in preschool. . .writing them in the air. It's so cute because whatever she writes in the air, she never forgets to erase. LOL! And if she wants to save it, she puts it in her pocket. What a great way to practice without getting frustrated because something doesn't look quite right. Have I mentioned that I love her preschool teacher? Anyway, she was ecstatic that she can now write ANY number, even 129,367,458.

And, according to Olivia, that three is just tired so it's laying down and the nine isn't upside down. It likes to stand on its head. My bad. She knows what she is doing. Only my daughter could personify numbers. LOL!

Jodi- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Healthy Grieving

And this is why this blog has been so wonderful for me. Thanks for letting me tell my story over and over again.

Healthy Grieving: Step Four
Day 54

The fourth step in healthy grieving is to tell your story to others. Give someone an honest account of your loss.

"Grieving means talking about what you're going through in the presence of some other people and letting them react to you," says Dr. Jim Conway.

So how do you find the right people to share with? First consider your family members. Then consider sharing with members of a grief recovery group. If these options are not good for you, as mentioned previously, try to find someone in your church or neighborhood who has experienced a loss similar to yours. If you tell him or her that you need someone to talk to, that person will likely be glad to meet with you.

It may seem easier and more desirable to keep your words, thoughts, and emotions inside and to busy yourself with work and activities to help you forget. But that forgetfulness is short-lived and ultimately ineffective. True healing will only occur when you slow down and let grief run its course.

"Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles" (Philippians 4:14).

Lord Jesus, You know what is best for me much more than I ever will. Open my heart and my mouth and enable me to share my story with others. Amen.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's been a busy day today. Olivia had a dentist appointment this morning and did great. Remember when she would cry and cry? I did learn something interesting. My dad and I ( and I believe my dad's mom) were born without a permanent upper right lateral tooth. After x rays, we learned that Olivia DOES have a permanent tooth there. However, she does not have one of her permanent molars. Basically, her premolar on the upper right that she has now does not have a permanent tooth behind it. So, she does unfortunately take a bit after me.

We also had kindergarten testing this afternoon. She didn't do nearly as well as I know she can. Probably because I told her I'd be with her and I wasn't. She is very bothered by the unexpected. This was the first time I have ever heard anyone have concerns about her speech. She has wonderful enunciation and has always been a great communicator. They seemed a bit concerned with her fine motor skills as well as her attention. I'll be honest. I've always been super concerned with her attention, but her preschool teacher keeps her on track very well. So, I figured it was partly me. But, I'm so nervous about her teacher next year and hoping it's a good fit for her. She LOVES her preschool teacher. Some children do fine with any teacher. Olivia's year, I'm afraid, will depend greatly on her relationship with the teacher. Praying for a good fit and one that is very sensitive to her unique needs. Praying praying praying.

Now, I'd better get back to wiping Abigail's nose for the millionth time today. :-)

Jodi- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Daddy’s Shoulders

I made this about a year ago and just found it tonight.  I don’t believe I ever posted it.  Olivia is so lucky to grow up with a cousin so close in age. And, of course, is lucky for daddy’s shoulders.

daddy's shoulders-001

Go Away Winter

Olivia has been fighting a cold all week and now Abigail has it. I was up suctioning out her nose most the night. And it's cold outside! It snowed here yesterday on April 23rd. Crazy. Hope you are all having a better week than we are. LOL!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monkeying Around

For quite awhile, Olivia has expressed interest in choosing the decorations for her (and Abigail's) bathroom. She filled up her sticker chart and as her big reward, we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and told her she could choose whatever kind of bathroom she wanted. I had visions of flowers and beautiful decorating ideas. She immediately found what she wanted. Monkeys. Now, don't get me wrong, they are cute but not what I would have picked. I was busy trying to get her to change her mind and she was holding strong to the monkeys. Then she said something really profound. She looked at me and said,"A choice is a choice." She was totally right. How in the world is she so incredibly wise? It was her choice and she wanted monkeys. So, monkeys it is.

And, they are pretty darn cute. Good choice Olivia. So proud of her for not being swayed. Now, we just gotta find some cute wall decor.

Jodi- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone