Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010 - Update

We had Olivia’s first ever parent/teacher conference tonight.  It went really well.  The changes we made have drastically improved Olivia’s outlook on school.  We knew it was going better, but it’s nice to hear it from them as well.  The changes that were made include:

1)Going to school an hour later.  It cuts her school day down to 2 hours instead of 3. 

2)Adding a second day of school.  She has been going twice a week for 2 hours instead of once a week for 3 hours.

3) Using a schedule book with pictures.  This way, she knows what is coming next.  Olivia likes to know the next two to three things that she’s going to be doing.  Ryan and I think it might have something to do with all the Dora that she watches. LOL. 

4) And most importantly. . . a lot of prayer.  We are so thrilled that she has been able to continue with school as it’s such a great experience for her.  School along with occupational therapy at Wesley and gymnastics have benefited her greatly.

And, a funny story before I go.  We were in the car on our way home tonight listening to a Veggie Tales Christmas CD.  Have you ever heard the song “Was He A Boy Like Me?”  I cannot listen to this song for some reason without crying.  I think I’ve listened to it about 20 times and each time I cry.  Tonight was no different.  After the song was over, I leaned over and told Ryan something about how I can’t believe I cried again.  Olivia saw me crying and said, “You don’t need to cry.  Be a big girl!  Silly baby.”  I hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time.  What a big girl she’s becoming!



Amanda said...

We have that cd too :) how funny that she said that! It's one of those "she didn't even say it to be funny" it just WAS type of things. Lol. Those r the best :) glad you got a good laugh out... Your last post with the cat pic had me wondering :( btw... We have tooootally been listening to Christmas CDs too :)

Kim said...

Olivia has been a crack up all afternoon. I don't think I've ever heard her chatter that much! What a sweetie!

Veronica Murray said...

Congratulations Olivia. Wow, she is growing up too fast. Shelley brags about how much she talks, too. I wonder, is Christmas coming early this year b/c we are already watching White Christmas and Elf and I searched XM yesterday for the Christmas chanels!?

Rebecca said...

Stories like these give me goosebumps. Such miracles that take me back to our micro preemie, Ava. The music here brings tears.