Monday, May 9, 2011

Fun In The Sun

It felt like our summer officially began today.  The temperatures soared into the 100s.  My sister-in-law and I put the kids in swimsuits, set up the slip-n-slide and water table and relaxed while sipping our iced tea.  The kids had a great time.  I don’t know about them. . .but Olivia and I were exhausted by the end of the day. 


Izzy, Olivia and Ruven

photo (2)

Playing on the slip-n-slide.

The only thing that spoiled my mood is that Olivia’s glasses are missing again!  She’s had glasses since she was 1.5 years old and we have never lost them.  In the past week, they have gone missing twice!  We have no idea where they could be and the thought of shelling out a few hundred dollars for a new pair makes me sick to my stomach.  Praying that they show up soon.

1 comment:

angie c said...

Ruven.... is his mom KiMarie? or something like that. Because I'm good friends with Ruven's aunt if that is so. Seriously, what a small world.