Friday, October 14, 2016

Growing Up

As a mother, it's so rewarding (albeit a little sad) to watch your child grow. . .mentally, emotionally and physically.  As much as you want them to stay little. . .you want them to grow into the person they are to become.  It's tough when you don't see much physical growth.  Over the past 9 years, we have celebrated every ounce that Olivia has ever gained.  I even threw her a 32 lb party years ago because I didn't think we would ever get past 31 lbs.  But, I always knew there was a problem.  She has never been a good eater, but even when she eats well. . .she still doesn't gain.  She's always been below the growth chart or around the 1-3 percentile. Sometimes I would find myself strongly "willing" her to gain weight!!  Praying!  Please. . .just gain one more pound so that I don't worry when she gets sick and loses 2 lbs.  It's like trying to get to the top of a hill and no matter how hard we try. . .we cannot make it to the top. 

At her nine year check up, her doctor became concerned.  Olivia did a bone age study last week and the results weren't good.  It showed her final height to be 4 ft 10 inches tall at most.  Most likely she has a growth hormone deficiency.  She is being referred to a pediatric endocrinologist.  If it is a growth horomone deficiency, she would need daily growth hormone injections.  Olivia is someone with multiple sensory issues.  Cutting her nails and hair is still very difficult for her.  I can't imagine daily injections.  Growth hormone deficiencies don't just affect growth. . .they affect lipids (Olivia has high cholesterol) cardiac issues, blood sugar, etc. 

So, I ask you, as you have for the past 9 years, to hold Olivia close to your heart.  Please pray for her continued growth in all areas of her life. 

I'll leave you with my favorite Olivia-ism.  She wants to be a preschool teacher when she grows up.  She talks all of the time about the wonderful ideas that she has and she would be an AMAZING teacher!  I talked with her about having her growth tested and not gaining like she should.  She replied:

God must have known I wanted to be a preschool teacher.  You don't have to be very big to do that.

She may not be big in size, but she's big in wisdom!

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