Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun Zoo

It was beautiful outside today, so the three of us went to the zoo. Ryan couldn't have picked a better day to be off work. Olivia had a blast!! We let her "run free" and she literally did just that. She ran and ran and ran and ran. We were there for probably an hour and a half and she ran the entire time. Afterwards, she kept saying "Fun Zoo! Fun Zoo!" It was a great day!

This is what I felt like after trying to keep up with Olivia. Her little legs move faster than you think.


angie c said...

I'm ready to get Hannah to the zoo! She will love it!

Mary said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY,RYAN! I hope you have a great day. Love you lots...and we have a little something for you. Mom

Kim said...

Looks like you had a blast! I'm glad that Ryan could enjoy the great weather with his favorite girls!

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! Olivia looks like she is saying.."ZOO! I've missed you!"... lol :)