Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Well, it's been a busy day. We started the morning at Olivia's doctor's office. We had to recheck her ears from her ear infection a few weeks ago. While we were there, we had them evaluate her cough. Thankfully they think it is caused by congestion from a sinus infection and not pneumonia. She did have to have her first breathing treatment which she did not like. She likes to have her picture taken, however, in different circumstances so that she can talk about them later. She does the same thing with videos. Then, we headed to my doctor's office to have my staples removed. I've recovered very well from this c section. Much easier than last time! Afterwards, we took Olivia to "Old" McDonald's since she was such an angel!!

We are now up with Abigail. I love that she has her own private room. I would have loved this with Olivia. They did try her in an open crib this morning and she failed to maintain her temp. She is now back in her isolette. That will tack on a few days to her stay as they will wait a few days to try it again. But, that's okay. We don't want to rush her. We will patiently await for the day we get to take her home. She had her eyes open a lot while we were there. She's just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. We've enjoyed spending the night up here with her singing Christmas carols. Can't wait to get home to my other precious girl! I am blessed!

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