Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I've been feeling so overwhelmed today. It's been tough. It's like I can't keep track of everything I need to do. I pump every 3 hours, take Motrin every 8 hours, take my antibiotic every 6 hours ( with food ) take Percocet every 4 hours and take my blood sugar 2 hours after every meal. I have no idea when I have to do what. My sweet husband put an app on my phone that reminds me when I'm supposed to do what. I think that will help. I'm not even sleep deprived yet and I can't get organized. I know I have some major post partum depression going on. At least I recognize it, right? That's a start. I will just start bawling for no apparent reason and I can't stand to be apart from Olivia.

In good news, they are trying Abigail in an open crib again today. If she maintains her temp for 24 hours, she comes home. They are not making us do family care where we stay overnight with her since she's not our first and won't be going home on equipment. Thank goodness. I didn't want to be apart from Olivia again! So, technically she could come home tomorrow!! I really want to be up at the hospital today, but we have SO much to do! Again, the overwhelming feeling takes over. We have to get all of our Christmas stuff up, clean the house, put her carseat in, get her monitor up, etc. Why at such a joyful time am I feeling such despair?

Anyway, sorry to complain. I've always been honest on this blog and that's what I'm feeling. Hopefully it doesn't last long.

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