This is when I was still in mommy’s tummy. I only got to stay there for 23 weeks and 1 day.
This is right after I was born. I only weighed 1 lb 1.5 oz and was 11.5 inches long.
My eyes were fused. My skin was almost transparent. My head was only about the size of a lemon.
My legs were only about the size of an adult finger.
But, I knew Mom and Dad were there every day.
I was on the ventilator for over 2 months.
Some people don’t consider a baby born as early as me even viable.
But, my mom and dad put their trust in God and gave me a chance.
I couldn’t wait to get off the ventilator. But, little did I know that meant I had to go onto CPAP. I didn’t like that one bit.
Finally, I was put on nasal cannula. I didn’t mind it so much.
Here I am practicing my karate. . .because, I’ve heard everyone say that I can kick butt.
I finally was able to be wrapped up like a baby.
And, I found out about pacifiers!
I had to learn how to take a bottle before I could come home.
I’m now learning all about what home is and I’m loving it.
Olivia, you sure have come a long way! We are so happy for all of you! (And aren't we glad to say that even though some people don't consider 23 wk babies viable, you proved them WRONG!) Congratulations! We will be praying for all of you as you make the transition back home! Love, Neva PS- I have to say I love the picture of Jodi standing with Olivia next to the elevators! Every one of us who had a baby in the NICU understands what it's like to go up and down those everyday without your baby and I'm so glad you finally got to make the trip WITH Olivia!
Congrats on the big homecoming! Olivia just looks fabulous in her big girl bed. I bet she is making Logan so very proud. Thinking of you in this wonderful, yet sometimes scary time!
I have a co-worker who follows this blog everyday. I was home today and couldn't help but look this blog up for myself!! Congrats on everything. Keep the faith, and remember "All things work togethter for the good of those who love the Lord." Praying for and with you. You have a very, very special baby.
Wow -- seeing those pictures from beginning to now are amazing. Only God... so glad for you guys! a friend of a friend of a friend shared your blog with me and I have been blessed by watching olivia grow and your amazing display of faith.
The day Olivia went home is a day we are thankful for and one we will always celebrate(something better than another B-day for Chris.)Our tears are about all we can say right now.
I love the compilation of pictures showing the beginning and progress towards home! We'll all be looking forward to the next 25 years of progress reports!!
Wow! She looks so amazing! Jodi, I love that picture of you standing in front of the elevators. I am so glad that Livi got to go home! We didn't have school yesterday, thank you Lord, so I couldn't check, and I had been wondering and thinking about you driving home with all the ice. But I'm easily put back at ease knowing that she is home, safe in the arms of love. Love you all, Stay Strong, Shea
We are so happy that Olivia is home! :) This is a day that we have all been praying for!! I can't wait to get to see her and snuggle her! :) Love Mandy & Amie at Dopps :)
i have been watching your blog for it seems along time. Iam so happy that you and your precious Olivia are finally home. She is such a fighter. What a beautiful little girl you have. I got your blog through Shannon Woolley who is my great niece. You have such a gift for expressing your feelings. You should be writing books. May God watch over your family as you make the transition of being home. Praise the Lord!!! Keep up the blog.
Yay, Yay!!I am so happy for both of you and so excited for Olivia. My co-workers and I have been checking this blog everyday since Olivia and Logan were born. Reading this blog has shown me faith and strength that I have never seen before, thank you for sharing Olivia with us all. Congratulations Mom and Dad, best wishes and God bless. Laura Besse (Northrop) Johnson
I unexpectedly gave birth at 23 weeks to micro-preemie twins on August 27, 2007. Olivia Paige weighed just 1 lb 1.5 oz and was 11.5 inches long. Logan William weighed just 1 lb 1.75 oz and was 11.5 inches long. Our sweet Logan passed away after 1 month and 1 day. After 105 days, we were able to bring Olivia home. She is our miracle, our survivor, our joy. . .
On November 20, 2012 we welcomed little sister, Abigail, into our lives. She was born at 35 weeks, but only spent 8 days in the hospital before coming home. We feel very blessed. To contact Ryan and Jodi you may email them at: or
Remembering Logan William Glunt
August 27, 2007 - September 28, 2007
Never Before
NEVER BEFORE by Jodi Glunt
Never before have I known such love As that which I feel in my heart. My beautiful daughter, although physically petite Fills up an enormous part.
Never before have I seen such strength From a person who weighed but a pound. And yet she’s a fighter through and through With very little that gets her down.
Never before have I heard such laughter With an energy and zest for life. She consistently shows me the wonder and joy While overlooking the pain and strife.
Never before have I felt such mercy From a God who has allowed me to raise This miraculous, amazing daughter of mine On earth, throughout all of my days.
A micropreemie shattering every prediction About the life she had in store. Teaching us all about the miracles within us That we never quite realized before.
You were the perfect little boy Of whom we always dreamed. Did you know we had your name picked out? All along or so it seemed.
You even had your daddy’s hands So miniature in size. In life we never got to hold you Or even see your opened eyes.
We had so many plans for you. Did you know you are a twin? I wanted you to grow up together. What a pair you would have been!
I wanted to take you to the park And push you on the swing. I wanted to teach you how to walk, And read and write and sing.
I wanted to show you a fire truck And let you ride upon a horse. I wanted to take you to the zoo To see the giraffes, of course.
I wanted you to watch cartoons And play video games with dad. And you and I would take a nap Oh, the times we would have had.
But, your mommy’s plans were not to be. “I have other plans,” God said. “You won't be playing in life’s playground You’ll be playing in heaven instead.”
And although I ache with sadness And in my arms I long to hold. I’ll see you again in heaven When my story on earth’s been told.
A Poem
A thousand tiny fireflies Parading through the night Illuminate the starless skies With incandescent light They are miracles, here on earth So bold, so strong, so wise And bring to life a sense of worth For those who lack great size.
Some of this life’s smaller treasures Are the ones which matter more Than the larger joys and pleasures That we have grown to adore Volume is not as essential As the gift that lies inside Smaller souls with much potential Who shall never be denied.
A thousand tiny fireflies Parading through the night Illuminate the starless skies With incandescent light These children, while born premature Are testaments of worth Their spirits bold, their futures sure To ever bless the earth.
Olivia, you sure have come a long way! We are so happy for all of you! (And aren't we glad to say that even though some people don't consider 23 wk babies viable, you proved them WRONG!)
Congratulations! We will be praying for all of you as you make the transition back home!
PS- I have to say I love the picture of Jodi standing with Olivia next to the elevators! Every one of us who had a baby in the NICU understands what it's like to go up and down those everyday without your baby and I'm so glad you finally got to make the trip WITH Olivia!
Congrats on the big homecoming! Olivia just looks fabulous in her big girl bed. I bet she is making Logan so very proud. Thinking of you in this wonderful, yet sometimes scary time!
I have a co-worker who follows this blog everyday. I was home today and couldn't help but look this blog up for myself!! Congrats on everything. Keep the faith, and remember "All things work togethter for the good of those who love the Lord." Praying for and with you. You have a very, very special baby.
Wow -- seeing those pictures from beginning to now are amazing. Only God... so glad for you guys!
a friend of a friend of a friend shared your blog with me and I have been blessed by watching olivia grow and your amazing display of faith.
Wow, what a testament she is to your faith and dedication. I look forward to watching her grow!
I'm crying I'm so happy for you all!!!
We do indeed serve an awesome God!!
The day Olivia went home is a day we are thankful for and one we will always celebrate(something better than another B-day for Chris.)Our tears are about all we can say right now.
Love & prayers,
Chris & Jean
It is such a great Christmas miracle to know that you are home with Olivia. Enjoy!
Congrats on making it home! YEAH!
I love the compilation of pictures showing the beginning and progress towards home! We'll all be looking forward to the next 25 years of progress reports!!
God is so good. Hugs...Shelly K.
Wow! She looks so amazing! Jodi, I love that picture of you standing in front of the elevators. I am so glad that Livi got to go home! We didn't have school yesterday, thank you Lord, so I couldn't check, and I had been wondering and thinking about you driving home with all the ice. But I'm easily put back at ease knowing that she is home, safe in the arms of love.
Love you all,
Stay Strong,
We are so happy that Olivia is home! :) This is a day that we have all been praying for!! I can't wait to get to see her and snuggle her! :)
Love Mandy & Amie at Dopps :)
Thanks for this update. It's awesome to see how far she's come. It hardly seems possible, but Olivia is living proof that it is.
i have been watching your blog for it seems along time. Iam so happy that you and your precious Olivia are finally home. She is such a fighter. What a beautiful little girl you have. I got your blog through Shannon Woolley who is my great niece.
You have such a gift for expressing your feelings. You should be writing books.
May God watch over your family as you make the transition of being home. Praise the Lord!!!
Keep up the blog.
Yay, Yay!!I am so happy for both of you and so excited for Olivia. My co-workers and I have been checking this blog everyday since Olivia and Logan were born. Reading this blog has shown me faith and strength that I have never seen before, thank you for sharing Olivia with us all. Congratulations Mom and Dad, best wishes and God bless.
Laura Besse (Northrop) Johnson
THAT will make a grown man cry! (and a grown woman!)
So, so awesome!!!!
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