Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008 - Update

If only I could ride a. . .

I tried to let Ryan have a few hours of alone time today by going over to my parents with Olivia. It didn't quite work out as planned. First, Ryan was upset to hear that we were leaving. (And, his alone time was spent mowing the lawn.) Then, Olivia's powdered formula got wet so I didn't have a bottle for her which forced us to come home early. So much for my plan. . .I was even going to sneak in a nap while I was there. Olivia hadn't been able to see her grandparents for awhile, so it was nice while it lasted. She has even started doing this "shy act" around anybody that is not daddy or me. We also believe that dada is the word she uses for either one of us because this morning, she looked right at me, smiled and said, "dada!"

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