Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009 - Update

Mama wishes she had my energy. I like to go, go, go!
When I decided to be a stay-at-home mom, I didn't mean it in quite such a literal sense. I'm going out of my mind this winter. Last winter, I think I was so happy to be home and not up at the hospital every day that it didn't bother me quite as much. But, this year. . .talk about cabin fever. It doesn't help that I have yet to beat this fatigue. I'm getting so frustrated and I'm starting to rely on caffeine again, which is a big no-no for me. Truth is. . .Excedrin and iced tea make me a better mother. I hate going through the day feeling like I'm in a big fog and only "half-alive." It's awful. I have learned that when you go over 2 months without a Pepsi, it begins to lose it's appeal. Not my Sonic iced teas, though, for 73 cents during happy hour. Ryan took care of Olivia all day and sent me out of the house. I spent some gift certificates and did some shopping and it was nice.

As I mentioned last month, the March of Dimes "March for Babies" is coming up on April 18th. Last year, I was so gung-ho about it. I don't know where I got the energy. I must have still been in survival mode. I believe that clicked off sometime around last summer when I fell flat on my face. March for Babies is, however, very important to me. Please be thinking about whether you will be able to donate to the Olivia and Logan team and/or whether you would like to walk on our team. We'd love love love to have you. I know that economic times are tough, but even a $5 donation would be very appreciated. If anyone has any ideas where to have t-shirts made (online or in town?) I'd love to hear from you. I'm sure I'll pull this all together this year as well. . .I hope.


Amanda said...

Firstly, (is that a word)? Anyways! You crack me up.. the "stay at home mom, not so literally..." cracked me up :) You should have specified, "stay-at-home most of the time, but go to the store, go for a walk, and the park" And I KNOW what you are saying about the tea thing!! For me.. its TEA and CHOCOLATE! Its a proven fact that chocolate gives off something when you eat it to your brain that makes you feel good.. tea? I dunno.. but it sure helps me! lol.. If Im snippy, or in a bad mood... Rodney will say.."did you not drink a tea today" lol...Have a good day!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jodi-I have used Rookie Tees in Andover for a lot of things, and our church uses them for everything. Might want to check it out!

The Microblogologist said...

Not sure how cost effective it would be for the team but you might consider going to cafe press ( Basically it is a site that allows people to have their designs on different items, there is a free option that limits you but I don't remember the details. If you put a design on cafe press they have a base price that is what they get and then you choose how much to add to it and that is what you make per item sold. For awhile now I have been contemplating setting up a shop with them and using any money to donate to charities, you could definitely take that idea if you want and sell Olivia MOD shirts and donate the money from them. It would probably be cheaper for the team to get them printed elsewhere but for people like me who live in another state but still are interested in getting involved it is something to consider maybe =).