Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009 - Update



I was making macaroni and cheese for Olivia this afternoon. Sometimes this is the only thing that she will eat that actually has calories. I put it in the microwave and went into the other room. When I came back out about a minute later, smoke was billowing out of the microwave. My best guess is that I forgot to put water in it and that's why it caught on fire. How many times have I made this? I figured I could do it in my sleep by now and then. . .I forget to add water? Actually, I'm hoping it was that and not something wrong with our microwave. So, I've spent all afternoon de-stinking the house by cleaning, lighting candles, opening windows, etc. Oh, it still smells awful. I smell awful. Luckily, Olivia had plans to go to grandma's house, so she didn't have to smell it.


Kim said...

I'm surprised that your microwave isn't black inside! Bet you'll always check twice to make sure you've added water!

Anonymous said...

was it that or did you forget to take the foil pack out? My friend and I one time were softening up some cream cheese... not realizing that the silver "paper" on the outside of the package was actually foil... yeah.. killed her mother's microwave.. she was none too happy with us!

Amanda said...

That is so hilarious!.. I was like..."Rodney, come in here and see what Jodi did!".. cause he thinks I'm the only one who does stuff like that... that's just hilarious though.. the bowl is like 4 times smaller than when it started!... too funny... and yes, I bet it stinkin stunk!...