Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I had an OB appt today and everything went well.  My cervix/stitch was fine and baby’s heart rate was 152.  I start my progesterone shots in about a week and a half.  I go in and have the nurse give me the first one and then we’ll decide if Ryan will feel comfortable giving them to me.  They are intramuscular (as opposed to the subcutaneous ones I had during fertility treatments years ago) and I hear they are really thick.  I will have one every week until about 36 weeks.  Honestly, I am thrilled to be having them as I feel I am covering all of my bases and doing everything possible.  That’s a great feeling and completely (well almost) makes me forget my fear of big needles. 

I’m not sure if I’ve shared this, but when I first told Olivia that I was having a baby she looked at me with this “what a coincidence” look and said, “And I have a flower growing in my tummy!”  She still talks about this flower every day and how big it is and how it’s moving.  And, one day when it grows big enough it will pop out of her mouth.  “Is that how the baby will come out of your tummy, mommy?”  Umm. . .not exactly.  Olivia is disappointed that mommy’s tummy is growing and hers is not and always asks me when her tummy is going to grow.  She has quite the imagination. 

Oh and we are both feeling better.  I discovered NeilMed’s Sinus Rinse and it has been wonderful!!  I highly recommend. LOL!

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