Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Olivia had her preschool Christmas program today. For a girl who loves to sing, I'm surprised she didn't do more of it on stage. LOL! And she has the same nervous habit as me. . .picking her lip. It was adorable, though. We did get it on video, although I doubt I post it. When I first got pregnant and found out I was due around Christmas, I worried about missing her program. LOL! But, we all made it. Even Abigail! Great job, Olivia! Our Christmas break has officially begun!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I bet you just love taking your new baby out and about for everyone to see :) I always loved that part. Lol. I'm so happy for you all and your little family... God is good. Love you!!