Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007 - Daddy and Olivia


Anonymous said...

You and your husband's strength and faith amaze me! Even though we don't know each other, I feel as if you and your family have taught me so much. I read your blog daily and I pray for the day Olivia can go home with her mommy and daddy. I know Logan is watching over each of you-especially his little sister. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear good news and see Olivia being held and loved. Everyone continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. We also look forward to the day we will be able to hold Olivia.

Love and prayers,
Chris & Jean

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's just another reason to go, go, go in the mornings, to go see that amazing little girl. I'm sure it takes all you've got just to keep your hands off her! Now that you've held her so much, and who could resist?!? I'm glad that she continues to grow bigger and more beautiful. It's so exciting to hear that her feedings have been turned up and her vent settings turned down. I hope that the excellent progress will continue.
I know that you have already heard that your story has touched so many lives, but something very unexpected happened to me. Last Friday, I got a call making sure that I would be there to help finish up the church float. I was told that there was a little gift for me. Of course when I got there, I was excited and anxious and I was given an amazing K-State fleece blanket. As I read the card, I felt different. Not like a weirdo different but a different that I've never felt before. Different almost meaning, somewhat important to another person's life. Inside, my heart was sobbing. What kind of wonderful person would make such a loving and fabulous blanket for a stranger, that all they know about this person was what they commented on a blog. Now, as I leave this comment it makes me really think...
Well, anyway...I wanted to personally thank Charlene, please don't be mad if I spelled your name wrong, I took my blanket to the K-State-Colorado game the next day and I'm so glad I did. It was very cold. Thank you so, so much! I absolutely love it!
So Jodi, not only are you and your family being uplifted, I kinda feel I am too. Not only has your family gained hope and love and friends and family. But I too, have also gained a dear friend. Thanks again so, so much, it's amazing!
Jodi, Ryan, Olivia, I love you all so much and think about you constatnly.
Stay Strong,

Anonymous said...

Praise God! People like you bring so many others closer to God through your faith and actions! Your strength and love of the Lord is truly an example for all to learn from and live by. God bless you both and your beautiful little girl!