Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008 - Update

Olivia and her daddy have a new favorite thing to do together that Ryan calls, 'Smell Candle.' Ryan carries her around the house and they smell the various candles that I have. Olivia's favorite is consistently Yankee Candle's Home Sweet Home.

Ryan was able to go visit his uncle in the hospital today and wasn't quite expecting him to be in the condition that he's in. From what I understand, one of his carotid arteries split during a bad coughing spell that resulted in a blood clot going to his brain. Please keep him in your prayers.

A trip to the hospital isn't complete without a visit to our 'ole stomping ground. . .the NICU. Ryan brought some pictures of Olivia and was able to briefly visit with some of our favorite nurses.


Anonymous said...

One of my most favorite songs to remember Logan. So sorry to hear about the family member with the stroke. Also, sorry I was off today while Ryan was at the hospital...we are thinking of all of you.

Anonymous said...

Wow look at her holding her head up! She'll be talking before too long! She sure is a cutie. I hope you had a good weekend and hope to see you on Wednesday (maybe!?).
