Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - Update

Here is Cousin Izzy admiring a picture of Olivia

Thank you to everyone who validated my fears. I'm still angry about what happened yesterday. This scripture has helped me:

Every word of God is flawless. He is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Proverbs 30:5

Yesterday I just imagined a shield over all three of us. I pray God keeps Olivia healthy. If she were to get sick, my only hope is that it doesn't affect her too much and doesn't require any hospitalization. I know that 1 in 3 preemies require re-hospitalization. I can't stand to be apart from Olivia. . .even going to the grocery store about breaks my heart. She loves it at home with her animals, in her crib and especially in her chair. Please pray that she remains healthy. . .as of today she is still smiling as much as ever. We did call Olivia's pediatrician's office yesterday just to make sure Ryan and I were doing everything we could. (Her EEG was done at a separate neurology clinic.) We have started adding some breast milk into her bottles (half breast milk/half formula) to boost her immunities. Breast milk has the amazing ability to custom make antibodies specific to illnesses in your environment. You should have seen us yesterday. . .Ryan and I were a smooth-running, germ fighting, parenting machine. We're always on the same page regarding Olivia's health. We've been through everything together and we both know how crucial it is to keep her healthy.


Anonymous said...

jodi-whether or not you're being "neurotic" is irrelevant- I'm thoroughly impressed by your diligence and wish I could rent you for a few hours to give my house the once-over before our new baby arrives in the next few weeks! keeping things that clean with a 4 yr old around takes an Act of God and the Man is busy with more important things like gorgeous little miracles like olivia! you're doing a great job-- and I get such a kick out of the pictures of olivia with her animals- her expressions and your tag lines are perfect! Keep itup and take care- angie

Anonymous said...

I finally made some time to take a look at your story. I feel like I know you and that we have formed a bond. I don't know why God allows us to bear such a load as losing a baby and fighting with all you that you to save the other, but I know He somehow sustains us. I am so glad to be your family team leader for the Walk for Babies because I would not have met you any other way. I look forward to seeing you at the walk in April and your sweet Olivia. Oh she is precious and I can tell she is happy.

I will probably be in touch soon with updates about the walk. I am checking to make sure other members of your team can go to the rally on the 22nd and hope to have an answer for you tomorrow. I don't know why that would not work, but want to make sure. I am sorry you won't be there, but COMPLETELY understand why. (Be there.)

Take care, my friend.
Tammy Cox
March of Dimes Family Team Committee Member

Anonymous said...

Shelly and Donnie, Izzy is sooooo adorable. I got to see the video of her eating the sour stuff and laughed like crazy!

Jodi and Ryan (the awesomely awesome Protect Miss Olivia team), there is absolutely nothing neurotic about protecting your child. Of course if she's 16 years old and you are still following her around with purell we might need to discuss it. :-) Can't you just picture a teenage Olivia rolling her eyes and saying, "Mooom!!!"? Anyway, I hope you're all staying healthy and that you can get outside a little today since it's supposed to be nice. Talk to you soon!
