Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008 - Update

Mommy and Me
Hangin out with dad.

Jumping on the bed!

Olivia's right eye does not look very good today. It is very red. They gave us this ointment to put in her eye four times a day, which we do faithfully. We are supposed to pull down her lower lid and put a "ribbon of ointment" along the bottom. That's easier said than done. When she's thrashing her head about and squeezing her eyes tightly shut, we are lucky to get some on her eyelashes in hopes that it makes it into her eye. Couldn't we have gotten eye drops as well? We also have to keep her from rubbing her eyes, which we can do when she's awake, but I don't know what she does in her crib. We could have gotten arm restraints, however, Olivia calms herself by sucking on her hand and the arm restraints would prevent her from doing that. Her doctor suggested putting socks on her hands, which we are currently doing. I'm sure that might help for a few minutes at least. It's hard to do because we're trying to encourage her to use her hands more. Any suggestions? I'm pretty stressed about the whole thing. Olivia, however, still seems to be her usual happy self which I am thrilled about.


23 weekers said...

We always have to patch the eyes for 2 weeks after surgery. Of course, it's not the same surgery. We also used the arm braces. They helped until Kinnick learned how to get them off. Can you just put one brace on at a time so she can soothe with the other hand?

Amanda said...

aww... that is a really good picture of the two of you..I can really tell a difference in her eyes! They look good! And reaching for toys? I hope that she just keeps getting better and better! Go Olivia! Oh- and thanks for the Thank you note! Jacob was so excited! He wants to make another blanket for her :)

Stacey said...

I think that God knows you are trying your best, so I think we should thank him for his protection over your Olivia and trust that the right amount of ointment is getting in there. I can't imagine trying to keep her hands away, seems that just when we want them to stop doing something, they are drawn to doing it anyway! ugh!

Kerry said...

Well here's my two cents (which is probably about all my advice is worth really): I think the doctor is telling you things to do that are "a best case scenario" that would mean less redness, maybe faster recovery, etc. But truth in fact, they know that babies as young as Olivia (and probably all kids really) are not going to cooperate with your best laid plans. I think her eye will be just fine with the efforts that you're doing now especially considering as vigilant as you are; you're probably getting more ointment in the eye and letting her rub her eye less than most parents.

Keep us all posted though on her progress! It's exciting to read about her reaching for toys and making more eye contact. Hmm...of course now I know why she likes me so much; she probably thought I was Mommy's sister! Now she's going to see what I look like close up and probably will cry! Oh no! :-)

Shea said...

Glad that she is all smiles again! I missed it!