Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008 - Update

Are you sure this present is for me?
Kerry got me my very own stepstool!

It also works as a little table.

I love when Kerry comes to visit!

We were so glad to have Kerry come visit us today. I hope we didn't bore her to death. I tried on of those 5 hour energy drinks. . .I don't think they work too well. I only drank half because 1)they are expensive and 2) it said to drink half for moderate energy and that seemed sufficient for me. When the afternoon rolled around, I was dragging and probably bored poor Kerry to death. Olivia was less than energetic today as well. I promise next time we'll have a little more pep.


Kerry said...

I wasn't bored at all! I don't require much entertainment. I just enjoy spending time with you and Olivia. Olivia was very impressive with her sitting and standing!

I'm already into the second book! I shouldn't take it to work. I'll try my hardest to leave it at home. Hehe.

It was great to see you! Talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

Hey Jodi, I'm not a big fan of those drinks either. Usually when I'm looking for a pick me up I take a 6 Hour Power energy shot. Have you ever tried one?

They have zero calories, are sugar free, and don't end with a crash. They come in 5 different tasty fruity flavors too. Check them out at

By the way, I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog, Jodi. I work with 6 Hour Power and we'd love to hear what you think of our drink! Let me know if you have any questions about it as well. Have a nice day.

Franklin Keane

Kellars Mommy said...

I love the step stool! Your day at the zoo looked like loads of fun. We took Kellar when he was 1 and honestly the adults enjoyed it more than he did, ha!