Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's been a busy day today. Olivia had a dentist appointment this morning and did great. Remember when she would cry and cry? I did learn something interesting. My dad and I ( and I believe my dad's mom) were born without a permanent upper right lateral tooth. After x rays, we learned that Olivia DOES have a permanent tooth there. However, she does not have one of her permanent molars. Basically, her premolar on the upper right that she has now does not have a permanent tooth behind it. So, she does unfortunately take a bit after me.

We also had kindergarten testing this afternoon. She didn't do nearly as well as I know she can. Probably because I told her I'd be with her and I wasn't. She is very bothered by the unexpected. This was the first time I have ever heard anyone have concerns about her speech. She has wonderful enunciation and has always been a great communicator. They seemed a bit concerned with her fine motor skills as well as her attention. I'll be honest. I've always been super concerned with her attention, but her preschool teacher keeps her on track very well. So, I figured it was partly me. But, I'm so nervous about her teacher next year and hoping it's a good fit for her. She LOVES her preschool teacher. Some children do fine with any teacher. Olivia's year, I'm afraid, will depend greatly on her relationship with the teacher. Praying for a good fit and one that is very sensitive to her unique needs. Praying praying praying.

Now, I'd better get back to wiping Abigail's nose for the millionth time today. :-)

Jodi- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Amanda said...

She is TOO cute! And getting so big!! No. She doesn't have any pronunciation problems. Just show them the video of her reading the book on the potty when she was 3 or 4 ;) ..."I didnt have a Lilly.. And I didn't have a ____? Never ever ever!!"... I LOVE that video :)

Jodi said...

Ok, I quizzed her a bit. They said that she couldn't make the sh or th sound. I asked her to say sheep and she said "seep." Then I asked her to say tooth and she said "toof." However, I read that those letter sounds are 7-8 year old skills, so. . . She speaks perfect.

Jodi said...

Ok, I quizzed her a bit. They said that she couldn't make the sh or th sound. I asked her to say sheep and she said "seep." Then I asked her to say tooth and she said "toof." However, I read that those letter sounds are 7-8 year old skills, so. . . She speaks perfect.

tara said...

I tried to get my son speach therapy for those sounds. He will turn 6 this august like olivia and we started him in kindergarten this year. they would not give him speach therapy because those sounds "sh", "s", "ch", and "th" are all sounds developped later. I think she is fine. I will pray she gets a good teacher who understands she is a miracle and should be treated with compassion and understanding.