Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007 - Evening Update

Olivia and Daddy. Olivia's first bottle with Daddy.

Olivia in her big girl bed.

We are starting to hear talk about Olivia coming home!! Can you believe it? She will be coming home on oxygen and with an apnea monitor. She will still be on her Phenobarb and Reglan and I’m going to need a personal assistant just to help me remember all of her doctor/specialist appointments. Olivia has taken 3 ½ bottles so far today. She fell asleep halfway through her last bottle, but she had a big day. She also had her hearing test today and passed with flying colors. Of course, we never doubted that she could hear since we know she loves her stories every night. We’re going to spend most of the day with her tomorrow to feed her and we may even be able to give Olivia her first bath! We’re going to have to break out the video camera for that one. It’s kind of difficult because we have so much to do here to get ready for her homecoming, but yet we want to be up with her as well! The day is drawing nearer and nearer....


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! That's such great news!! Livi sounds like she's doing super! She is so strong, beautiful, tired??? She's amazing!
I thought about her all day today!
Love you all so much!!!
Stay Strong,

Anonymous said...

I have been praying that God would work a miracle and bring her home for Christmas. I will continue to do so. I am so happy for both of you. She really is a little miracle.

don said...

Hey...I'm Jodi's Dad...Olivia's proud Grandpa.
They say "hindsight is 20/20". How true. Looking back at my life, it's amazing how God has had his hand on me. Righteous Grandparents who "took me in" from a broken home... my Grandma's prayers for me... when God's direction saved me from my dangerous direction... my "blind" date with my wonderful wife, Pat on Jan. 11, 1969... the birth of my beautiful boy, Don... and God's "surprise" for us - when Jodi came along... and many, many joys along the way. That my kids would meet and marry wonderful spouses, was an answer to prayer. My son's wife, Shelley, has been a blessing to us...their daughter, Isabelle, thrills my heart. And, Ryan's love and dedication to Jodi has certainly been demonstrated these past several months. The quality of Jodi's life as a wife and mother continue to amaze me. The miracle of Olivia is certainly the answer to my prayers, and the prayers of many around the world.

I know it's the prayer of everyone that God's hand is on Olivia's life. Olivia, you humble and inspire me every day! Your cousin, Izzy, checks in on you with her laptop every day! She can't wait to play with you! So, drink all your what Mommy and Daddy say...and come home soon! A great life awaits you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful praise! It truly is a miracle that Olivia is eating so well and that she passed her hearing test!! She is blowing those ugly statistics about micropreemies right out of the water and showing that God is always ready to do more than we can imagine! We'll continue praying that she is home by Christmas!