After speaking with Jodi tonight these are the highlights of our conversation.
* Jodi and Ryan are now up at Wesley with Olivia. They are in a satelite room, just the three of them. Ryan and Jodi are getting to practice with all the feedings, medicines, monitors, etc. with the help of nurses if needed.
* As Jodi posted earlier, she was pretty excited to get up to the hospital. She was in such a hurry that she packed all of Olivia's books so they could read to her - but - she forgot her own pajamas! :)
* They were able to give Olivia her phenobarbital and Olivia did not like it one bit! This was the first time Ryan and Jodi gave Olivia this medication.
* Jodi shared that Olivia is still not taking her bottle very well. Jodi says that when Olivia is done eating or if she doesn't want to eat - they really cannot do anything to make her eat otherwise she has a's and b's. Jodi asks for prayers in this area.
* Olivia lost a bit of weight tonight. I did not get the exact amount, but Jodi states Olivia has to be gaining weight in order to go home. Eating more consistently obviously plays a role in this.
* Olivia will be sent home on a oximeter instead of an apnea monitor.
* Olivia passed her car seat test while on oxygen.
I will speak to Jodi tomorrow to provide more updates. Tonight she is frazzled, excited, and nervous. Please pray for the doctors, nurses, and specialists that will make the decision as to when Olivia will go home. Pray for Ryan and Jodi to feel His peace in the midst of their excitement and anxiety. Pray for little Olivia. She needs to continue to gain weight to go home.
More tomorrow.
Park City Utah
3 years ago
Jodi will probably not get to read this so, Stacie, it's up to you to pass this along.
Jodi-people are frightened by a hysterical, hormonal, mother-I would throw a small tantrum to not take this baby home if I were not 100% ready! (I'm only semi-joking here). On the serious side, babies can sense apprehension, tension, nervousness, in anyone holding them-this makes for an agitated baby. So, if you're uncomfortable and your GUT says, she isn't ready, then she's not. You should be able to make that call-you have certainly earned it.
I believe God is answering your request to know the "right time" for Olivia to come home. I believe that's why she's dropping a little weight and not eating as well. God is with you.
Stacie-I said a big, big prayer for you. I hope God will answer your desire for a child. -Stacy Woodard
This makes me really really nervous to read. I know all too well what it is like to bring a child home from the NICU when they are NOT ready. I don't think Olivia's weight should be the biggest issue right now, but rather her feeding. If she still has A's and B's she is NOT ready and I really hope that the doctors do not send her home like this. And the last thing that they need is to bring her home and then have to take her back b/c of feeding issues that SHOULD have been figured out while in the NICU. Ped wards are not even close to the NICU and can be frightening and stressful. Been there done that and I would hate for them to have to go through this as well. They are in my thoughts and prayers!
Congratulations on being in family care! We are so excited for you! Keep hanging in there! We will be praying that Olivia gets to go home at the perfect time for all of you!!
(PS- Our baby HATED the phenobarb in his bottle too and would turn blue, stop breathing, have to have oxygen turned up all the way, etc. We INSISTED that we would not take him home having to go through that every night and pushed to get his phenobarb in tablet form so we could crush it up and he wouldn't notice the taste. A nurse had suggested that and it was a battle with the drs for some reason(I guess it's harder to regulate the amount), but we ended up getting the tablet and it helped so much. We were in family care when all this happened also. Anyway, just a suggestion if that keeps being a problem. Good luck!)
Hey everyone...Jodi's Dad here...Jodi said that she could not reach Stacie right now, so she gave me permission to update everyone. I'm honored! Olivia took 55 cc's at 1:00 and 4:00 this Saturday afternoon! She has been doing very, very well! They have her feeding now at 3 hour intervals instead of four, and that has made all the difference in the world. Her next feeding is at 7:00 we're praying that she continues to do well. Pat and I went up to see Olivia this afternoon....what an amazingly beautiful baby she is! And I'm not just saying that because I'm her Grandpa! She really is!! You can ask Jodi!!!
Jodi just called me while I was typing this....I mentioned to her that there may be people concerned that the blog is going to stop....she wanted me to assure everyone that the blog will continue until Olivia is 25...and then Olivia will take it over!!
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