Today was not one of Olivia’s better days. They’ve had trouble getting her to take her bottles all day and most of the time she’s only taken 25-30 ccs. She was just extremely exhausted. . .when we got there, we had never seen her so sacked out. She had been off of her oxygen and taking every feeding by bottle for 2 days and it just wore her out. Her doctor wrote the order to keep her on continuous oxygen to see if that helps. When I was there tonight, she took 95 ccs for me, however, so maybe she is feeling a bit more rested. Depending on how she does tonight and tomorrow morning, we may be going to family care tomorrow night. Like I’ve mentioned, we’ll spend about 3 days/nights there to make sure she is feeding and growing. I just think that she needs the continuous oxygen and I’m in no hurry to take that away. When I think back to the day that Olivia and Logan were born. . .that was one of the worst days of my life. I feel like I was robbed of a wonderful birthing experience. . . you know, when they wrap up your baby and hand him or her to you. I mean, I never got to hold Logan and I didn’t get to hold Olivia until she was over a month old. I want Olivia’s homecoming to be our special moment with her. . .I think Ryan and I deserve that. I can’t wait to give her a tour of her new house. We are in no race to say, “Well, my 23 weeker was only the in the hospital for this many days.” I want to take our time and make sure she’s ready to come home. I would feel more comfortable with her going home on continuous oxygen.
We had our apnea monitor training tonight and I’d better not say anything more about that for fear of saying something I regret. Some people just rub me the wrong way. I would feel more comfortable with a pulse oximeter, but I don’t know if that’s just because I feel the need to always know what her saturation is. I would rather know if her sats are going down and do something about it then instead of waiting until she hasn’t taken a breath for 15 seconds. Her doctor may consider the pulse ox instead if she is sent home on continuous oxygen.
Please know that during our stay in family care, I will not have access to a computer and will be unable to post an update. I will, however, try to contact Stacie and give a verbal update that she can relay to all of you. I appreciate all of your support over the past few months. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have shown how much you care.
Park City Utah
3 years ago
you need a good night sleep hang in there, tomorrow is another day and things will be fine, God is in control and you are doing a great job taking care of Olivia. Don't worry about updating us, take your time. Olivia needs you and we can wait. It is great that you will be able to go to family care, that is a blessing.
God is awesome:)
What a great Christmas gift for you and Ryan this year. You have so much to be thankful for. A lady here at work spent thousands and went through the fertility treatments and was told she could never have kids. She just celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary and found out she was finally expecting at 42 years old. God's plan is always perfect and His timing is perfect, even when we don't understand it. Our job is just to accept and obey and trust(easier said than done). You will make a great mom and dad and will have the first hand experience to help others through the same trials you have gone through. God gave His only son to us and for us while we were so undeserving. Celebrate the season and thank God for all His gifts.
Love and prayers,
Chris & Jean
I am really concerned that they are wanting to send her home but she is not doing well with bottles. I think it concerns me so much more b/c it makes me think of how it is the same thing that happened with Ashton and I. Only four days after being home he was back in and VERY sick. I don't know what else to say but I sure hope that things go great and not the way they seem to be lately for you.
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