Boy, I have so much to talk about today. First of all, Olivia made it to the 5 lb mark last night!!! I had my baby shower today and you had never seen so many people and so many gifts at a baby shower. It took me almost 2 hours to open them all! Thank you to everyone who attended. I feel like I hardly got a chance to visit with anyone. Thanks to Pam Kirk and Charlene Kenneford for hosting the shower. Thanks to Stacie Watts for keeping track of all the gifts and who they were from (that was a chore!) Thanks to Shelley Sailing for taking pictures and thanks to Julia, Rebekah, Katie and Savannah for helping me open all of the gifts. It was a wonderful shower.
Afterwards, my dad and I headed up the hospital. My poor mom started getting a scratchy throat and decided not to go for fear of passing on something to Olivia. It is most likely just allergy drainage, but she wanted to be cautious (what a considerate grandma!!) My dad was able to hold Olivia, however, and he had been waiting for that moment for a long time. Olivia was also visited for the first time by her Aunt Kim and Uncle Kris. Their household had a few illnesses going around in the past and they had been unable to meet her until now (what a considerate aunt and uncle.) She showed them how well she could take a bottle and how she sometimes forgets to breathe and turns blue. That’s still scary no matter how many times she does it.
Overall, it was a great day and it was also the birthday of Olivia’s aunt Laura. Happy Birthday, Laura!! What wonderful friends and family I have. One day Olivia will find out how truly blessed she is.
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