God bless the Dr. Brown’s bottles. Olivia has taken every feeding by bottle (every 3 hours) since 9 pm last night. I don’t know if something finally clicked or if those bottles are really that good. Or, maybe Kerry was right and she was just waiting for my baby shower to be over with. I have noticed that the bottles drastically reduce her amount of gas pain. She doesn’t turn red or grunt or look utterly miserable when she’s eating. She just simply takes her bottle. We could be in an advertisement for those bottles. . .”How Dr. Brown helped bring Olivia home. . .” I did try breastfeeding today, but it seems once we get her positioned and snuggled up with me, she just falls asleep. We can’t seem to keep her awake enough to try. She has had two bradys today, but she is doing so fabulous that we’re hearing talk of family care. That’s when Ryan and I room in with her at the hospital for about 2 days/nights. She’ll be hooked up to the home monitor and it’ll give us a chance to take care of her ourselves with a nurse close by. If she keeps continuing to do well on her bottles. . . she could be home as early as Monday!! Can you believe it? She is also coming up on a big milestone tomorrow as she will be 100 days old!!
She did not have an eye exam today. Because it has remained stable, they wrote the order last week to have it checked every 2 weeks instead of every week. Our little girl is growing up before our eyes. . .getting stronger and stronger everyday. Just thinking about her coming home makes me giddy!! I envision her swinging in her swing, sleeping in the pack-n-play in our bedroom (yes, she’s not going to be more than a foot away from us for awhile) and I’ll cuddle with her while I catch up on my soap. The day is coming and I cannot wait. Please pray that her feeding continues to go well and that she’ll be ready to come home!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
Conner loves Dr. Browns too. We tried lots of bottles and this is the only ones that he likes. We hope Olivia gets to come home soon.
Stacy, David and Conner
I hope Dr. Brown was the answer! So exciting to hear talk of coming home:)
Congratulations! What an amazing Christmas present it would be if Olivia was home. We also use Dr. Brown's bottles and love them. Ryan won't take anything else. By the way...he still sleeps an arm's reach away...and he is almost 10 months old. Something else that we found to be an invaluable thing to have is a Moby Wrap. We used it almost everyday when Ryan came home, and he still loves being in it today. Check out this website: www.mobywrap.com.
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!
Hallelujah, what a great post! So glad to see that the Dr. Brown's bottles are working. I've always heard that they are great.
I can't wait to read about you bringing Olivia home. What a great day that will be!!!
Wow! That's about all I can say. She sure is beating all the odds isn't she?! I'm so happy for her and for you and Ryan. I hope she does just as well today with her bottle.
P.S. Dr. Brown is great I'm sure, but I still think Olivia knew when the baby shower was. :0)
What an amazing blessing! I thank God for the encouraging day you have had. How wonderful to see the picture of Olivia with nothing attached! Can't wait for the big day. Still trusting God's perfect timing.
Congrats Miss Olivia!!! Keep up the good work so mommy and daddy can have you home by Christmas!
I can also give a kudos to dr brown bottles. That is what we use for Elise. She has acid reflux and those bottles seem to help her tremendously! Still has a few gas bubbles every once in awhile but not near as bad as with the other bottles. Hope the house is ready, because Olivia is coming home!
the wardens :)
You are going to have your sweet bundle of joy home very soon!!!! She is a true fighter. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Congratulations!! That's awesome!! :D
Sydney slept with us or in our room until she gave it up voluntarily at about 6 months adjusted, and it took until 44 weeks gestational age to get her to nurse. So don't give up and don't feel bad that you want your baby near you LOL You deserve it and it's good for her too! :D
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