Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009 - Update

Thanks for my shirt, Kerry!

Lately, it seems that Olivia is enjoying her new molars. She has been able to chew up her food a lot better and has been eating great. . .until today. I'm not sure why. . .maybe her teeth are hurting her again or she's getting additional teeth. Everytime I try to feed her, she screams and cries (with real tears.) Hmm. . .that's about the only thing going on with us today. It's too hot, in my opinion, to do much outside. Maybe she'll take a bottle since she won't eat anything.
***After I posted this, I realized that I forgot to give Olivia her Prilosec (which I never forget to do.) Surely, she's not this uncomfortable after missing just one dose?? Anyway, I quickly gave it to her and hopefully we'll be back on track.


Becky said...

I agree, it's too hot! Olivia, hope you're feeling better soon! :-)

Miracles said...

She's getting so big! I hope it's just her teeth bothering her and not anything else.