Olivia didn't have a very good day today. She was extremely fussy and gassy and just wanted to be held all day long. I couldn't put her down long enough to run to the bathroom. She didn't have a temp and had been satting at 97-100, but I called her pediatrician's office anyway. I just feel like no matter what we do, we can't seem to help her gassiness and her feedings have gotten increasingly worse. We are going to try the soy formula for 2 full weeks. I think something in my diet is causing her problems. With all of the frozen milk that I have, there is no way to determine what I ate on a particular day. We have also determined that she may have oral thrush, which is an overgrowth of yeast. We are starting her on a medication for that tomorrow. Please pray that we see an improvement with these changes.
We also received news that a member of our church family experienced extreme prematurity in her family. Her niece gave birth to a little boy at 24 weeks on January 22nd. I don't have a lot of details right now, but I ask for prayers for this little boy and his family. If Ryan and I can be of any help to this family, please let us know.
I'd better go because Olivia doesn't want to sit in her bouncy seat anymore.
I hope the thrush goes away soon and you can have a free moment! Mommies are always needed, aren't they?!! Please keep us updated on your friends who had their premature baby. We will be praying for all of you!
That picture is ADORABLE! I'm so bummed that she didn't have a good day though. I was really hoping she would avoid the feeding issues. But she's overcome everything else, so she will get through this too.
P.S. Hey EVERYONE! Remember the March For Babies walk is April 26th!!!
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