Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday, September 9, 2007 - Evening Update

Just received this update from Mommy:

Today is Grandparents’ Day, for those of you who didn’t know. We were glad that Logan and Olivia were stable enough to have both sets of grandparents come visit them.
Olivia has been concerning us a bit and they did have to stop her feeding because she had some blood in her stool. She still wants to be left alone most of the time (although I think she likes it when mommy and daddy visit) She continues to have mucous in her lungs that they are trying to suction out. Olivia does get more beautiful every time we see her. Her weight is now 1 lb 4 oz!!

Logan’s urine output continues to be good and he’s still on the dopamine. They had to give him some more morphine today. His oxygen requirements were all over the place before we left and they weren’t quite sure why. His lab came back fine, so they believe he was just having some pain from the surgery. He does have a slight infection and is on an antibiotic for that. Last night his weight was 1 lb 6.5 oz, but some of that was because he was retaining so much fluid. We expect his weight to go back down tonight. Oh, what a handsome little boy he is!

Please be praying for Ryan tomorrow as he must return to work and I know that will be hard. It’s difficult for us to be apart right now as we find comfort in just being together. Please continue prayers for my precious babies and remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint. They will need prayers for a long time and we are so grateful to all of you. Reading your comments mean so much to us. Remember that tomorrow is a special day. . .they will be 2 weeks old!!!


Michael Morales said...

I prayed for Logan and Olivia this morning...

Anonymous said...

Jodi and Ryan-
You will continue to be in prayers. I have told everyone I know about your sweet babies and everyone is giving their prayers to your little angels. You are amazing parents and these babies are going to fight as hard as they can to be with you.